Living a Simple Life with a Back Porch View

Simple Life Meets Prepping

Julie @ The Farm Wife Season 3 Episode 153

Imagine a life where your pantry holds jars of home-canned vegetables, your evenings are spent enjoying a quiet sunset with loved ones, and your heart is at ease knowing you’re ready for both today and tomorrow. That’s the harmony of living in a small town called Simply Prepping. Listen in and get directions on how to get to this sweet little place that sits at the intersection of Prepping and a Simple Life.

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Do you want to learn more about living a simple life? Then a great place to start is with the books in my Simple Life Series!

Living a Simple Life on the Farm (my story)

The Search for a Simple Life

How to Cook a Possum: Yesterday’s Skills & Frugal Tips for a Simple Life (don’t worry – this isn’t a cookbook!)

Faith & a Simple Life

Welcome back to the Porch! I’m so glad you stopped by. I hope you’re ready, because I’ve been doing a bit of pondering about a conversation The Country Boy and I had a little while back. We were discussing what we may need to think about doing, just in case THE BIG ONE hits. That led me to thinking about what THE BIG ONE might be, and if prepping and a simple life are the same thing, or different.

For the next few episodes, I’m going to talk more about this from different angles. And on today’s podcast I’m going to just share my thought about exactly that – how two supposedly different lifestyles can actually blend together rather well. 

When you hear the word “prepping,” what comes to mind? For many it may bring to mind mental images of some big burly guy, dressed in camo and armed to the teeth with guns, knives, and more. In the background are over-stocked shelves filled with boxes of MRE’s, water, medical supplies, and survival kits, all tucked away in a bug-out shelter hidden deep in the woods.

On the other hand, living a simple life may bring thoughts of slow walks in the woods, no worries, no cares, and just laughing and playing your way through life. 

With this mindset, it almost makes it sound like a cartoon version of the modern-day grasshopper and the ant, with simple life advocates being the grasshoppers. But in real life, neither of these scenarios are true or accurate. Both groups work hard, and have busy, productive lives. They just have a slightly different mindset.

Many people who would be considered as ‘preppers’ are just regular folks who want to be prepared in case the worst happens. They focus on caring for their family, having enough food and water to sustain them, and a secure roof over their heads. Simple life advocates feel the same.

Although some individuals may take things to the extreme, neither lifestyle truly goes that far, one way or another. Instead, there are many similarities to both lifestyles. 

Just because one lifestyle is called ‘prepping’ and the other is called ‘a simple life’, doesn’t mean we aren’t both preparing for any hardships, trials, or upheavals life can throw at us. The difference is, we just do it in slightly different ways. 

And it is at this intersection of prepping and simple life where the road meets in a friendly little town called Simply Prepping.

At first glance, prepping and a simple life may seem like they are complete and total opposites, but in reality, they really do share at least some common ground. Today, we’ll take a look at the similarities and differences between prepping and a simple life — and find out how they can meet in the middle at the town of Simply Prepping.

First, it helps to understand at least the surface definition of each lifestyle. Prepping, at its heart, is about readiness. It’s the practice of ensuring you have the resources and skills to navigate emergencies or disruptions, whether large or small. This could mean storing extra food and water, knowing how to repair a leaky pipe, or learning skills like gardening and sewing to provide for your family when times are tough.

Living a simple life, on the other hand, is about clearing out the unnecessary busyness in your life. It’s about finding joy in the essentials: faith, home, family, and community. But it also includes being prepared for any emergencies, whether within or without our control. And we also enjoy gardening, sewing, and many of us have a pipe wrench and know how to use it.

While prepping might seem driven by practicality and simple living by philosophy, their shared values reveal a deeper synergy. Simply Prepping would be a smooth and realistic blend of both lifestyles.

And allow me to be realistic here - no matter how much you prepare, nothing is 100% foolproof. There is really no way you can prepare for every single scenario that could possibly happen, whether it be worldwide or on a personal level. But we can do our best and wrap it up with a lot of prayer. 

Now, let’s take a look at the common ground between Prepping and Simple Living. 

Both preppers and simple-living advocates practice resourcefulness. Growing your own food, repurposing items, or fixing what’s broken instead of tossing it out are hallmarks of both lifestyles. These practices not only save money but also encourage creativity and independence.

Both lifestyles center on living intentionally. Prepping involves planning ahead and preparing for unforeseen challenges. Simple living does the same. Both groups focus on appreciating the present and making mindful choices. In both cases, thoughtfulness and preparation lead to a more grounded, meaningful life.

One example could be the concept of reducing waste. A simple life naturally seeks to reduce waste—buying less, reusing more, and finding joy in what you already have. Preppers, too, value efficiency, making the most of resources to ensure nothing goes to waste, especially in times of scarcity.

Another example might be fostering Community Connections. Both lifestyles recognize the importance of community. Whether it’s preppers sharing knowledge and skills or simple life advocates fostering deep, meaningful relationships, both emphasize the value of helping and relying on others.

Yet, there are some slight differences as well. While the similarities are significant, there are some distinctions worth noting:

1.     Motivation: Where prepping is often a more single-minded pursuit of security and being ready for future emergencies, those who live a simple life understand and do prepare for future emergencies, but their pursuit revolves around their priorities in the here and now - such as their homes, family, and community.

2.     Material Approach: Preppers may stockpile supplies to ensure they’re ready for any eventuality. In contrast, simple living often involves reducing possessions, keeping only what brings value and joy. But they also know the importance of having a well-stocked pantry for winter meals and keeping necessary supplies on hand.

3.     Mindset: Prepping can sometimes center on “what if” scenarios, looking at what they might need to be prepared for in the future, while simple living focuses on the “what now”, and how they can make each day productive and meaningful. This difference in perspective can shape how each lifestyle approaches challenges and opportunities.

Here's the good news. You don’t have to choose one or the other. Instead, you can simply move to that friendly little town called Simply Prepping.

When you do, you can benefit from having a bit of each lifestyle. By blending elements of both, you can create a life that’s prepared for the unexpected while rich in simplicity and joy.

To get started, you can cultivate a garden, and work on your gardening skills.  Gardening embodies the best of both worlds. It’s a practical skill that provides fresh, healthy food and a way to feed your family. 

Whether you’re growing tomatoes in a backyard plot or herbs on a windowsill, gardening enriches life and builds resilience. And once you learn the basics, you can expand your skills by learning how to save seeds, and how to compost. By having this knowledge, you’ll have less worries about seed – or food – shortages in the future, or how to keep the plants you grow healthy.

You can also learn food preservation techniques. Canning, fermenting, and drying food are time-honored skills that serve both preppers and simple-living advocates. They allow you to make the most of seasonal abundance while reducing reliance on store-bought goods.

And be sure to stay active within your community. Foster connections with neighbors and friends. Share surplus produce, exchange skills, or simply enjoy each other’s company. These relationships are a cornerstone of a fulfilling, sustainable life.

One of the best ways to blend the two lifestyles is through honing your practical skills. From baking bread to sewing curtains, practical skills enrich your life and prepare you for unexpected situations. They’re satisfying to learn and empower you to handle challenges with confidence.

You can also simplify your prepping.  If you’re drawn to prepping but want to keep things simple, focus on the basics. Instead of an extensive stockpile, maintain a pantry with the essentials you regularly use. Prioritize versatile items and practical skills over accumulating excess.

And don’t forget to embrace gratitude.  Prepping might focus on what’s needed for the future, but simple living reminds us to appreciate the present. Together, they create a mindset of gratitude for both what you have and what you’re capable of achieving.

Rather than seeing prepping and simple living as opposing paths, consider them complementary. Prepping ensures you’re ready for life’s uncertainties, while simple living fills each day with purpose and joy. Together, they allow you to approach life with a sense of calm and resilience, prepared for whatever comes while enjoying the beauty of the moment.

Imagine a life where your pantry holds jars of home-canned vegetables, your evenings are spent enjoying a quiet sunset with loved ones, and your heart is at ease knowing you’re ready for both today and tomorrow. That’s the harmony of a simple life that meets prepping.

And as you reflect on the idea of visiting – or moving to – the town of Simply Prepping, think about what resonates most with you. Are you drawn to the security and readiness of prepping, the peace and contentment of simple living, or a balance of both? There’s no right or wrong answer—only the path that feels true to your values and needs.

By blending these lifestyles, you’re not just preparing for emergencies or simplifying your days; you’re building a life rooted in intention, gratitude, and joy. So, whether you’re preserving homegrown peaches, teaching your children practical skills, or simply enjoying the quiet hum of a summer evening, remember this: the best life is one that prepares for the future while cherishing the present.


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Thanks again for stopping in. I will see you next week on Living a Simple Life with a Back Porch View. And while you are waiting for the next episode, grab that glass of refreshment, pull up a rocker, and sit back for a while. It’s time to relax and enjoy.