Living a Simple Life with a Back Porch View

Become Active Within Your Community

Julie @ The Farm Wife Season 3 Episode 112

As much as we sometimes would like to withdraw 100% from society, in reality it isn’t practical or probable. As humans, one of our basic needs is to have contact with others – even if it is only one or two people at a time. 

Having neighbors and a community fills that need. It doesn’t mean we have to be surrounded by people every single day. A little aloneness is also good for the soul. But when times get tough or we just need a helping hand, it is nice to have someone who can help. 

In Episode 33, we talked about how to be neighborly. But there are times we need to expand on that and include the community around us. Listen in and discover fun and easy ways to become active within your own community.

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Living a Simple Life on the Farm (my story)

The Search for a Simple Life

How to Cook a Possum: Yesterday’s Skills & Frugal Tips for a Simple Life (don’t worry – this isn’t a cookbook!)

As much as we sometimes would like to withdraw 100% from society, in reality it isn’t practical or probable. As humans, one of our basic needs is to have contact with others – even if it is only one or two people at a time. 

Having neighbors and a community fills that need. It doesn’t mean we have to be surrounded by people every single day. A little aloneness is also good for the soul. But when times get tough or we just need a helping hand, it is nice to have someone who can help. 

In Episode 33, we talked about how to be neighborly. But there are times we need to expand on that and include the community around us. ‘Community’ in this case is defined as the people who live outside your immediate neighborhood but are still within close contact. In my case, this would incorporate the four small towns that surround us, as well as friends and family who live in other cities and states. 

To be active in your community means you have a sense of safety. In the case of threats, illness, or emergencies, having others nearby who can help or get help adds to our sense of security. 

People in a Community advocate for and support each other. It may be as simple as supporting a local business, sports team, or school. It could also mean advocating for changes within the community. 

When we are active in our community, we feel as if we are part of something bigger than ourselves. And having that strength in numbers can help us feel more at home and bring a sense of peace to our world.

To be active in your community means rolling up your sleeves and getting busy. This can be done in many ways. The following are just a few of the things you can do:

Number 1: Become a volunteer. When you volunteer, you are helping others by providing a service they cannot do on their own.  It offers them relief from time, financial, and problematic situations.  

Feeding the hungry, either through a Soup Kitchen or bringing bags of groceries to people who cannot afford it is a great way to volunteer. 

Another way is to join a group such as Habitat for Humanities to help build homes for the homeless. Volunteers for Habitat for Humanities don’t have to have a Contractor’s License.  If you can swing a hammer, wield a paintbrush, plant a flowerbed or just are great at cleaning up, they can certainly use your help.

There are many after-school programs and summer camps for kids who would love your volunteer services.  You not only have a means to help the youth in your community, but you can also set a positive example for them to follow. 

Different programs and camps focus on different activities.  These can range from art, sports, nature, and science to name a few. Determine your strengths and find a program or camp you feel would benefit from your skills and knowledge.

Number 2: Be an Advocate for Change. Are the laws outdated in your community? Or is the Community in need of after school programs, a park or walking path? Maybe there is a bigger issue with littering, traffic, or drainage. There are several ways you can be active in your community by advocating for changes. 

The first is to bring your concerns to the Town Council. If this is an issue that others would like to see changed, it helps to get them to sign a Petition before going to the meeting. Have a short speech ready that outlines the issue and the reasons for the changes. 

If it involves detailed or larger, more expensive changes, have the information printed up and give a copy of it to each council member. Do your homework to the best of your ability and include things such as how the change will benefit the Community as a whole, location, and if possible, give them a rough idea of how much it would cost the town. If it is an extremely expensive project, you may also want to do additional homework and see if there is a grant available to help with the costs.  Be sure to add copies of the Petition as well. 

No matter what, stay professional. Refrain from accusations, pointing fingers, name calling, and other negative outbursts. Doing these things will quickly lessen your chances of having the changes you are working toward take place. 

Number 3: Teach. A simple way to be active in your community is to teach. This can take the shape of becoming a tutor for school-age children. Or it may be by offering classes for a skill you are proficient in. Handcrafts make for great classes, such as knitting, baking, crochet, weaving, spinning, and more. 

If you are mechanically oriented, consider teaching a small engine repair class or a basic car maintenance class. An accountant may offer classes in basic budgeting, and someone interested in foraging can teach a class on edible plants in the forest. 

No matter what your interests or skills, there is more than likely a class you can teach. And by teaching others, you are giving them an opportunity to expand their horizons. 

Number 4: Start a community garden. This may first require a visit to a Town Council meeting, or to an individual who owns a section of land suitable for a Community Garden. Before you submit your request to the Council or individual, scout around for at least 3 places inside and slightly outside the city limits that would be suitable for a Community Garden. 

Determine if the land is privately or publicly owned, and whether or not it is already being used or in the planning stages for a specific use. This will help you know who to contact with your idea.

Next, have a detailed plan ready to go. This plan would include these things: 

·        the size of the land

·        how it will be managed

·        plans for raising money for the maintenance, upkeep, and supplies to build it

·        a blueprint of the finished layout

·        the size of each individual garden

·        how many of those gardens will be available

·        if the garden format will be raised beds or another design

·        how you will choose who gets a spot

·        what Insurance coverage will be necessary (and the cost)


These are just a few of the considerations you will need before approaching the Town Council or an individual for permission to use the land as a Community Garden. 

If you are truly interested in starting a Community Garden in your area, The Community Gardening Handbook can help you get it organized and implemented. You can find this book in my Amazon Shop, the link for which is in the Show Notes.

Number 5: Join Up. No matter if it is a class, a needed change, a Community Garden or a Soup Kitchen, most groups in your community would love to have you join. It may mean rolling up your sleeves and doing the work or learning something new. 

Either way, joining a community group gives you a great reason to socialize, meet new people, learn more about your community and help to create change for the better. 

Number 6: Look for the invisible Needs of a Community. Every Community has these. They are the people who live in poverty and can’t afford to eat. They are the children who need clothes, shoes, or supplies in order to attend school. And some of them are the elderly who are home-bound. 

If you are one of those who love serving your community but want to be a bit more hands on with individuals, this is a great way to do it. 

You can do this in several ways:

·        Take a meal to an elderly person. Be sure to save time for a visit!

·        Offer to run errands or take a home-bound person for basic shopping needs

·        Choose a family to ‘adopt’ and take them groceries once a month.

·        Choose a child to ‘adopt’ – provide them with clothing, school supplies, or other basics necessities.

·        Become a Secret Santa –choose a family in need and provide Christmas gifts for each member. This can be toys and clothing for the kids, gloves, scarves, or items for the adults, or even a food basket filled with staple items for the entire family.

There are so many invisible needs within a community. Take the time to see what is needed and make a plan for things you can do. It doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Most folks appreciate whatever you are willing to do. And remember, what may seem small to you may just mean the world to them!

And last but not least, Number 7: Love your community. No matter how you choose to be active in your community, just being there, offering a helping hand and showing up for the work involved not only helps others, but it also helps you. Be a part of the fun, security, and love that is the invisible thread that ties your community together!


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Thanks again for stopping in. I will see you next week on Living a Simple Life with a Back Porch View. And while you are waiting for the next episode, grab that glass of refreshment, pull up a rocker, and sit back for a while. It’s time to relax and enjoy.

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