Living a Simple Life with a Back Porch View

Listen to Your Creative Voice

June 19, 2023 Julie @ The Farm Wife Season 2 Episode 64
Listen to Your Creative Voice
Living a Simple Life with a Back Porch View
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Living a Simple Life with a Back Porch View
Listen to Your Creative Voice
Jun 19, 2023 Season 2 Episode 64
Julie @ The Farm Wife

When you think about being creative, I’ll bet you have a mental image of a quiet activity, such as knitting, baking bread, or writing a book. 

For the most part, we think of creating as a solitary activity, which means unless we talk to ourselves, it is a time of silence. But being creative isn’t always a silent activity. Instead, our creativity can actually be a very ‘vocal’ expression.

Whether you are a writer, fiber artist, potter, or builder, you are being creative, and that creativity has a voice. Instead of words that are spelled out, they come in the form of texture, design, color, and movement.

Listen in and find out what your creative voice has to say. It may just be the best story you have ever heard.

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Do you want to learn more about living a simple life? Then a great place to start is with the books in my Simple Life Series!

Living a Simple Life on the Farm (my story)

The Search for a Simple Life

How to Cook a Possum: Yesterday’s Skills & Frugal Tips for a Simple Life (don’t worry – this isn’t a cookbook!)

Show Notes Transcript

When you think about being creative, I’ll bet you have a mental image of a quiet activity, such as knitting, baking bread, or writing a book. 

For the most part, we think of creating as a solitary activity, which means unless we talk to ourselves, it is a time of silence. But being creative isn’t always a silent activity. Instead, our creativity can actually be a very ‘vocal’ expression.

Whether you are a writer, fiber artist, potter, or builder, you are being creative, and that creativity has a voice. Instead of words that are spelled out, they come in the form of texture, design, color, and movement.

Listen in and find out what your creative voice has to say. It may just be the best story you have ever heard.

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Great Products by The Farm Wife:

The Simple Life Workbook
Simple Life Home Finance Bundle
The Art of Homemaking

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The Farm Wife Shop

Do you want to learn more about living a simple life? Then a great place to start is with the books in my Simple Life Series!

Living a Simple Life on the Farm (my story)

The Search for a Simple Life

How to Cook a Possum: Yesterday’s Skills & Frugal Tips for a Simple Life (don’t worry – this isn’t a cookbook!)

When you think about being creative, I’ll bet you have a mental image of a quiet activity, such as knitting, baking bread, or writing a book. 

For the most part, we think of creating as a solitary activity, which means unless we talk to ourselves, it is a time of silence. But being creative isn’t always a silent activity. Instead, our creativity can actually be a very ‘vocal’ expression.

In writing, the creative aspect is called ‘your voice’. Voice is important because it is what breathes life into your story, characters, and viewpoint. Anyone can write a story.  But no one looks at the plot the same way. 

Whether you are a writer, fiber artist, potter, or builder, you are being creative, and that creativity has a voice. Instead of words that are spelled out, they come in the form of texture, design, color, and movement. A knitted shawl speaks just as loudly as a novel or a clay pot. That new chicken coop or bee yard you just designed and built has a story to tell, if you listen closely enough.

When you become creative, regardless of the medium, you need to use your voice. And your voice is that part of you that resides deep down inside your heart and is just begging to be heard.

Using your voice is important in any creative endeavor you undertake. By allowing your voice to speak, you add personality to what you are making. It gives your work flavor. It also brings a new and unique perspective to those who see it. 

Using your voice is also a way you can communicate with others, without speaking a single word. By creating a unique gift for someone, you are telling them they matter. 

You can also break language barriers with creativity. The beauty of using creativity as a language is that translation isn’t needed - however, communication efforts are quickly understood.  Creativity speaks any and every language.  You may be English speaking and happen to sit next to a person who only speaks Spanish.  

Yet, by pulling out the crochet hook or knitting needles, a type of conversation can be started.  It begins with a sweet sparkle in the eye.  Next comes a gesture towards your project. A few hand motions, and you quickly figure out that they, too, either regularly engage in a craft, or know someone who does.  It is a silent conversation, but then, words aren’t actually necessary.  The craft is the translator and speaks for itself.

Your creative voice can also speak many different languages. A fiber artist may be a weaver, knitter, or create tapestries and crocheted items. A painter speaks in oils, watercolors, and acrylic. A gardener may work with topiaries, flowers, and floral arrangements, and creating delicious meals from their harvest. 

Creativity even speaks out on how you decorate your home, at the sewing machine, and the way you refinish an old table and chairs. When you think ‘Create’, think of music, the last book you read, or the tools you are using.

Step outside and look at nature, with all of the colors, design, textures, and dimensions. Listen closely and you will be able to hear creativity in action. I have to confess – when it comes time to doing my budget, I have to get very creative to get the expense side out of the red and into the black. And that is one time my creative voice tends to either yell, weep, or just flat out laugh at me.

Still, all of this creative energy has a voice. And no matter what medium you choose, you need to allow your voice to speak. And once you get started, it won’t be long before your creative voice learns to sing.

You may not be able to carry a tune in a basket when you literally sing, but your creative voice always has perfect pitch. Yes, you may drop a stitch, measure too short, or run out of yarn before the project is finished, but that is all part of the process.

Have you ever thought your project was ‘speaking’ to you? That is your creative voice talking. It is letting you know when something isn’t right or won’t work. It will also quickly say you are on the right track and offer encouragement to keep going.

By allowing your creative voice to speak, and truly listening to it, you may just find yourself looking for more ways to create and getting better and better at your craft. 

Are you ready to find your voice? Allow your creative nature to speak. It has a lot to say and may just be one of the most interesting stories you have ever heard.

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